Who can be an APSAO member?

Voting Member (member in good standing)

– persons who are actively employed as an Adult Protective Service Worker, and other titled positions which adhere to the same mandate specifically supporting people with a developmental disability, who live in the community, and such supervisors who carry an active caseload. Membership dues must be paid in full in order to exercise the privilege of voting at any general or annual meetings of the members.

Non-Voting Members

- may be of the following categories:

Associate Member - a membership of a person who is not actively employed as an Adult Protective Service Worker or similar mandated position. This person may or may not be a consumer of Adult Protective Services.

Honorary Member - a person who has been awarded a lifetime status by majority of the voting members at an Annual General Meeting.

On their own

Individuals living “on their own” may live independently in single occupancy housing, with a roommate or partner, or with their children (or the children of their partner/roommate). For purposes of the APSW program, individuals living on their own do NOT receive Ministry-funded developmental services residential supports, i.e., supported independent living, host family, supported group living or intensive support residence.